Refresh, renew...

marriage warrior Jul 14, 2024

Find a waterfall and take the family to enjoy an afternoon in nature exploring the wonders of God's creation.

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Book 'em

marriage warrior Jun 23, 2024

Find an unusual gift for your wife, something that would mean a great deal yet doesn't cost much. I was on a business trip and found this bookmark. When I gave it, Lydia was deeply touched because she had never owned a bookmark but loved to read. 

Photo by δΊ”ηŽ„εœŸ ORIENTO on Unsplash

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Putting the pieces together...

marriage warrior Jun 02, 2024

Spend an evening putting together a puzzle.  See who can find the edges first, and then begin finishing a section at a time.  See how fast you can complete it.     I suggest 500 pieces if you haven't done one in a while so it isn't too difficult. It is perfectly fine if it takes more than one night to complete.

Working together is a bonding experience.

Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

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Have tools...

marriage warrior May 19, 2024

Get busy doing the "to do's" your wife has asked you "to do". If you aren't necessarily a "handyman" call in some help. Get the whole family involved to enjoy some quality time together!

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

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Happy Mother's Week...

marriage warrior May 12, 2024

Make not only today special, but work hard to make the whole week a celebration of your wife. Give your wife time alone to pamper herself with a pedicure, massage or spa. Serve her breakfast in bed. Be creative and make her feel extra special.

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

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Mirror, mirror...

marriage warrior Apr 21, 2024

Surprise your wife with a love note on her mirror. Let her awake to a message straight from your heart to hers.

Photo by Amira Aboalnaga on Unsplash

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Resurrection day...

marriage warrior Mar 31, 2024

As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, it is a great time to reflect on what needs to be resurrected in our own marriage or family. Is there something that has died that needs to be revived? Perhaps regular dates, family fun nights, a vacation...

Bring something back to life this week.

Photo by Pisit Heng on Unsplash

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Take the lead...

marriage warrior Mar 24, 2024

Most wives are take charge, do whatever it takes kind of women. Unfortunately, that incredible character trait can lead to us as husbands letting them take over way too much responsibility. Despite their innate abilities, our wives need us to step up as husband and father in our family. They are looking to us to for direction and leadership. 

When our children need discipline, step in before your wife has to. When it is date night, plan the entire evening.  If there is a difficult conversation that needs to take place, start it and stay engaged. When you want to disengage, tell yourself, "Take the lead."

Your wife and children are looking to you for direction, if you aren't doing your part, start now. 

Photo by Duane Storey on Unsplash

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Change is inevitable...

marriage warrior Mar 10, 2024

How do you and your bride respond to change? I have to admit that our family has had more than our share and lately I have been wanting more stability. Life doesn't stop because we want a time out. Set a time to discuss what has been changing lately and how you are handling it.

Your view of your situation makes all the difference in how it will ultimately turn out. You never know, your current circumstances might just lead to something more beautiful than you could ever imagine. 

Photo by Justin DoCanto on Unsplash

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Be her Valentine...

marriage warrior Feb 11, 2024

Hopefully you were able to get a jump start on Valentines last week. Now you need to bring it on home. Finish strong and pull out all the stops to make it the most romantic ever: notes, cards, presents, dinner, time... Remember it really is the thought that counts.

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

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