Breakfast in bed...

marriage warrior Jul 25, 2021

Men, surprise your wife this week with breakfast in bed. If you have children at home, let them help you prepare and serve her. Show the woman of your dreams honor for all she does and who she is. Let her know she is the most important thing in your life and that she is valued beyond measure. You’ll win her heart!

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Honey do listโ€ฆ

marriage warrior Jul 18, 2021

Husbands, how about catching up on your wife’s Honey-Do list?

Replace that light bulb, oil a door hinge, hang a picture, or whatever your bride has been asking you to do. Even better, if you really want to impress your bride, find things that need to be done without having to be asked.

For small projects, you may even get the whole family to join in. Teaching your children how to do household jobs is a life-long skill they need to develop. It not only helps bond family relationships, it prepares them for their future as they watch what it means to make a sacrifice in marriage for their spouse.

YouTube can pretty much teach you how to fix just about anything. If it seems too daunting, hire the right person for the bigger jobs, and make the smaller jobs a family project. Just make sure it gets on the calendar, so it doesn’t go unnoticed. Serving the queen of your palace is an opportunity to reignite the flame in her heart.

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The family that prays together...

marriage warrior Jul 11, 2021

Marriage Warrior Mission:

Weekly missions providing practical ways to strengthen marriage and family, allowing men to step back from the chaos of life and focus on the most important relationships he has on earth.  

Prayer is essential to keeping a family strong. Start each day praying for your wife and children. Take time to pray with your wife for protection, guidance and wisdom as you lead your family. Find a specific scripture to pray over your family and use as your family motto. If you don't already have one, check out Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 6:33, and Romans 8:28.

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Tea time...

marriage warrior Jul 04, 2021

Take a break from your morning routine.  Make some tea or coffee at home or go to your favorite coffee shop.  Sit down with your wife to enjoy a hot cup while talking about life, love and other mysteries.  Enjoy your time together with no distractions, focused only on each other.

Keywords: saving your marriage, etc. etc.

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marriage warrior Jun 27, 2021

Freedom always comes with a cost.  This fourth of July take time to remember what it cost to give us the freedom we have.  Read a copy of the Declaration of Independence together as a family.  Look up the history of those that signed it and what it cost them. Many lost their lives, families and everything they owned.  Thank God for the sacrifices others have made to give us our freedom.

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A better dad...

marriage warrior Jun 20, 2021

As we celebrate fathers across our nation, take time to evaluate yourself. If you have children, what areas do you need to work on? Are you giving your children your most valuable asset, T-I-M-E?  Are you leading them to the heavenly Father? What type of example are you setting? Encourage yourself with a couple of things you are doing well, then find 2-3 things you need to improve on as a father, and focus on them for the next 21 days.  Happy Father's Day!!

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Summer wardrobe...

marriage warrior Jun 13, 2021

Take your wife shopping for summer. Don't forget to set an amount up front so you don't blow the budget.  If your wife likes deals, head to discount or thrift stores.  For an added bonus, have a fashion show when you get home.

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Mood music...

marriage warrior Jun 06, 2021

Stop by one of your favorite eating establishments and bring home dinner for the whole family.  Get the children fed and occupied. Find the perfect spot to set up a romantic candlelight dinner for you and your bride.  Play some mood music, set aside all the electronics, and forget about the rest of the world to focus on each other.

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Summer plans...

marriage warrior May 30, 2021

The kids are out of school and summer is in full swing.  Take time this week to review all your plans.  Vacation, summer camps, Vacation Bible School, adventures.... discuss what you want to do and make any final decisions for this to be a summer to remember. Memories are the one thing that will last a lifetime, don't miss the opportunity to make the most of this summer.

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Sort it out...

marriage warrior May 23, 2021

Help out with the laundry this week or just take over and do it all. If you don't have much experience, you may want some assistance in sorting, what cycle to wash on, and what items need to be air dried. Don't forget to fold and put it all away after you are done.

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