Pack a picnic...

marriage warrior May 16, 2021

Grab a basket and fill it with your favorite foods, be sure to add some grapes and some cheese. Include a candle, music and take your sweetheart out for a romantic meal in the great outdoors.

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Take a stroll...

marriage warrior May 09, 2021

Take your bride by the hand and stroll down the street.  Spend time talking and enjoying each other's company.  Discuss some things you would like to do this summer together.

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Prepare for the big day...

marriage warrior May 02, 2021

As Mother's Day approaches, celebrate your wife throughout this entire week whether you have children or not. Show her love, attention, and care each and every day.  Make Mother's Day an all week adventure.

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Out with the old...

marriage warrior Apr 18, 2021

Spring is in full swing and it is a great time to do a bit of spring cleaning. Organize the entire family to go through closets, storage areas, bedrooms, and living areas. Pile up all the things you don't need any longer and organize what is left.  Get everyone involved in cleaning the house top to bottom.  Have contests to see who can clean the fastest. When done find a family in need, have a garage sale, or haul everything to a local charity.

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Bring home to work...

marriage warrior Apr 11, 2021

One way to keep the right career perspective is to intentionally include your wife in your day.  Meeting your wife for lunch, FaceTiming during the day, and keeping your wife informed about what is going on at work are ways to help you stay grounded in your marriage.  This week be intentional to include your wife in your work day.

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Encouraging words...

marriage warrior Apr 04, 2021

Write a heartfelt handwritten note to your wife.  Include a quote or scripture that fits her well, and share a few things you admire about her.  Leave the note with a piece of chocolate on her pillow to find before she goes to bed one night this week.

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marriage warrior Mar 28, 2021

Today we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem to start the Passion week. The city celebrated with shouts and praises as He rode a donkey through the streets. Spend time as a family remembering and celebrating all that Jesus did for us. Watch a movie together on the life of Christ and the resurrection.

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Kick start your day...

marriage warrior Mar 21, 2021

In today's hectic world, most days find us hitting the ground running.  To help ground your marriage and kick start your day, take a few minutes to hold each other and commit that despite what may come, you will love each other and get through difficulties together. This is an opportunity to build trust without physical expectations. Pray together to grow in faithfulness to God, each other and yourself.   Dedicate yourself to this for the next seven mornings.

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Mom mobile makeover...

marriage warrior Mar 14, 2021

Our wives can be on the road so much that their car is the last thing that gets any attention.  Surprise your wife and get all your children together to do a mobile makeover for mom.  Have one person wash her car, another vacuum, another wash the windows, wax and detail.  If your children are already out of the house or you don't have children, you can do the job yourself or take it to a car wash and let them detail it to the max.  In any case, your wife will appreciate you taking care of her and her car.

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An attitude of gratitude...

marriage warrior Mar 07, 2021

Life goes by at such a fast pace that we often forget to express gratitude to the ones we love.  Take time this week to get alone. Spend time thinking about all the things you appreciate in your wife.  Write them down and thank God as you remember each one individually. Spend this week finding ways to let her know how grateful you are for all she does for you and for who she is as a person.

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