What's up?

marriage warrior Jul 24, 2022

Sit down with your wife and discuss things that are going well or things you need to work on together within your family and marriage.

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marriage warrior Jul 17, 2022

Life is filled with the memories we make with the people we love.

Take a family adventure to someplace you have never been. Yesterday, we took a day trip to Natural Bridge, AL (shown in the picture) and Dismals Canyon. It was a great day to just get away from it all and enjoy being together.

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A little candlelight...

marriage warrior Jun 26, 2022

Stop by one of your favorite eating establishments and bring home dinner for the whole family.  Get the children fed and occupied.

Find the perfect spot to set up a romantic candlelight dinner for you and your bride.  Play some mood music, set aside all the electronics, and forget about the rest of the world to focus on each other.

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marriage warrior Jun 12, 2022

School's out!  If you haven't already planned time away, have a family meeting to discuss options for summer fun, whether it's camping, the beach, the mountains, or just a stay-cation.

Take the lead to decide what to do. Go ahead and get everything booked, then spend time planning activities. Make this a summer to remember. The one thing we will always cherish is the memories we make with our family. We had lots of great fun in Gatlinburg, TN over Mother's Day weekend.

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Take notice...

marriage warrior Jun 05, 2022

Our wives do thousands of things every week that tend to go unnoticed. Take time to observe how incredible your wife is and express your gratitude for all the things she does to make your life better. Make it a point to never take her for granted.

My wife is truly a woman of many endless talents.  Having owned an interior design company, I have always been blessed with a beautifully decorated home.  Here is just one of hundreds of projects she has created.  Taking a large wooden spool that held wire, she made a table that holds all our picture albums.

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Stand for freedom...

marriage warrior May 29, 2022

Today we celebrate Memorial Day to honor those that have fallen defending the freedom we have. My father, pictured here, served in WWII as part of the greatest generation that fought against tyranny and won.

Ronald Reagan stated, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." There have been and will always be those who want to take freedom from us. Stand with those who have given their lives for us and don't allow our freedom to be taken from us. Let your voice be heard in the marketplace, in the political spectrum, and at the ballot box.

As you remember those who gave their lives for the greatest nation in the history of the world, discuss as a family how you can take action to defend the freedom we have and never let it be taken from us.

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An evening stroll...

marriage warrior May 22, 2022

Take a long walk and discuss one thing you would like to accomplish individually by the end of this year. Then come up with one thing you want to do together. Hold hands, look at the stars, and enjoy just being together.

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Phone a wife...

marriage warrior May 15, 2022

Calling your wife to encourage her is a great way to strengthen your marriage. This week make a point to call just to see how her day is going. Ask what you can do to make her day a little better.

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Couples read...

marriage warrior May 01, 2022

Two things that will shape your life the most are the people you meet and the books you read. Head to your local library or bookstore and pick out a book that you and your wife would both enjoy.

Read a chapter a day and discuss your thoughts.

My wife and I are reading a book called "Praying the Scriptures for Your Children" by Jodie Berndt.  It has 20 chapters and a list of scriptures to pray over your children each day.  We have been doing this book for a few months and going back through again and again.


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Picnic in the park...

marriage warrior Apr 24, 2022

Now that spring has sprung, its time to enjoy the great outdoors. Surprise your wife by planning a family picnic.

Grab a bucket of chicken or make some sandwiches. Don't forget a blanket,  picnic supplies, drinks, a ball and glove or whatever else you like to do before heading to your favorite park for an afternoon of family fun.

This might be a great time to turn off the electronics... or even leave them in the car. Enjoy each other as you experience the beauty of God's creation.

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