
marriage warrior Apr 17, 2022

As we remember and celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, discuss areas in your marriage and family that need resurrecting.

Life comes at us fast and without time to reflect, we can let good things die. Relationships are like gardens, they require constant attention. Weeds can grow up and kill off the best parts of our lives.

What things do you need to resurrect? Perhaps family dinners, long walks, vacations, game night, or weekend getaways.  Do whatever you need to restore your marriage and family.

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Heading to the great outdoors...

marriage warrior Apr 10, 2022

Our family has spent the last two weekends planting and cleaning up our yard. My wife loves hydrandgeas. Here is one that we planted.  

Head outside this week and find a small project you and your wife can do together. Plant a bush or flower or clear a flower bed. Enjoy the time together.

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Bring home to work...

marriage warrior Apr 03, 2022

One way to keep the right career perspective is to intentionally include your wife in your day.  Many of us have worked from home most if not all of the time in the last couple of years.

Step out and meet your wife for lunch or FaceTime during the day. Keeping your wife informed about what is going on at work helps you stay grounded in your marriage.  This week be intentional to include your wife in your workday.

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Spring cleaning...

marriage warrior Mar 20, 2022

As the temperature warms, get the fam together to clean up the dirt and clean out the clutter. One tip that works well for us is for your wife to go through each room and put post it notes on what needs to be done.

Assign each room(s) to someone, and have a competition.  The one who finishes first can choose where to go for some ice cream or other treat.

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Don't let the sun go down...

marriage warrior Feb 27, 2022

Marriage inevitably brings conflict and disagreement.  The apostle Paul admonishes us, “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,"  Ephesians 4:26 NIV.

Early in our marriage, Lydia and I committed to this principle.  I have to admit, I didn't always abide by this.  After one heated discussion, I left and went to spend the night in another bedroom. As I was getting settled and about to fall asleep, Lydia came in with her pillow and snuggled up to me to finish the discussion and make up.  She refused to let us go to sleep until it was resolved. 

Over the course of nearly thirty-two years of marriage, there have been a few nights we just didn't go to sleep at all.  Anger at bedtime turns to bitterness in the morning.  Don't close your eyes to fall asleep until you have resolved the issues of the day.  

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It's not too late...

marriage warrior Feb 13, 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day!  You have time to find something thoughtful and let your Valentine know how special she is.  Of course, the time-honored flowers, candy, cards, and dinner are great, but how about taking a little time to find something special just for your wife?   A little extra thought can make the difference between a good Valentine’s Day and a great one.

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marriage warrior Feb 06, 2022

The original meaning of the word "Valentine" is strong, vigorous, and healthy. A strong, vigorous and healthy marriage builds upon lasting special memories. For the next seven days celebrate with the love of your life by choosing a special memory to reflect on. Text details of the memory to your wife, sharing what you love about it. On the seventh day celebrate Valentine’s Day with a romantic dinner and a gift to commemorate your life together. For added points you could include a picture related to the event. Examples could be…

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Mom mobile makeover...

marriage warrior Jan 30, 2022

Our wives can be on the road so much that their car is the last thing that gets any attention.  Surprise your wife and get all your children together to do a mobile makeover for mom.  Have one person wash her car, another vacuum, another wash the windows, wax and detail.  If your children are already out of the house or you don't have children, you can do the job yourself or take it to a car wash and let them detail it to the max.  In any case, your wife will appreciate you taking care of her and her car.

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Spa night...

marriage warrior Jan 23, 2022

Go prepare a bubble bath, light some candles, and say to your wife "I've got it all covered babe, take the night off!" Then handle dinner and everything else so she gets some "me" time.

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Help is on the way...

marriage warrior Jan 16, 2022

Our wives are constantly doing small things for us and keeping the house running smoothly.   Many times they don't get a break or receive much appreciation.  Find something that your wife normally does and do it for her.  Don't mention what you are doing or say a word, just leave a note on her pillow thanking her for all she does for you. wash the dishes, shop for groceries, vacuum the house, fold the laundry, clean the bathroom, fill her car with gas, make the bed, prepare school lunches, sweep the kitchen floor, put children to bed. 

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