An attitude of gratitude..

marriage warrior Aug 21, 2022

Life goes by at such a fast pace that we often forget to express gratitude to the ones we love.  Get alone and think about all the things you appreciate in your wife.  Write them down and thank God as you remember each one individually. Finding ways this week to let her know how grateful you are for all she does for you and for who she is as a person.

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Marriage Warrior Rewind...

marriage warrior Aug 14, 2022

Each of our wives is unique and special in their own way. They have they own likes and dislikes, personalities, and love languages.

Take time this week to review all our Marriage Warrior missions and let your wife pick out the top 5 or so that meant the most to her. Write them down and pick out one this week to do again.

Keep the list and use as you are led.

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Laughter the best...

marriage warrior Aug 07, 2022

Life can get so busy we can forget to take time to laugh.  Laughter really is the best medicine and can change the whole atmosphere of our home. 

Head to Youtube, Netflix, or the local library.  Watch a comedian or become one by telling some jokes yourself.  Life is too short to take everything soooo serious. 

If you want to chuckle, check out Jonnie W. on Youtube...

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You are always on my mind...

marriage warrior Jul 31, 2022

Every woman needs to know she is always on your mind. 

While you are out and about this week, take a picture of something that reminds you of her and text it to her with a short note letting her know that you are thinking of her.

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What's up?

marriage warrior Jul 24, 2022

Sit down with your wife and discuss things that are going well or things you need to work on together within your family and marriage.

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marriage warrior Jul 17, 2022

Life is filled with the memories we make with the people we love.

Take a family adventure to someplace you have never been. Yesterday, we took a day trip to Natural Bridge, AL (shown in the picture) and Dismals Canyon. It was a great day to just get away from it all and enjoy being together.

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A little candlelight...

marriage warrior Jun 26, 2022

Stop by one of your favorite eating establishments and bring home dinner for the whole family.  Get the children fed and occupied.

Find the perfect spot to set up a romantic candlelight dinner for you and your bride.  Play some mood music, set aside all the electronics, and forget about the rest of the world to focus on each other.

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marriage warrior Jun 12, 2022

School's out!  If you haven't already planned time away, have a family meeting to discuss options for summer fun, whether it's camping, the beach, the mountains, or just a stay-cation.

Take the lead to decide what to do. Go ahead and get everything booked, then spend time planning activities. Make this a summer to remember. The one thing we will always cherish is the memories we make with our family. We had lots of great fun in Gatlinburg, TN over Mother's Day weekend.

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Take notice...

marriage warrior Jun 05, 2022

Our wives do thousands of things every week that tend to go unnoticed. Take time to observe how incredible your wife is and express your gratitude for all the things she does to make your life better. Make it a point to never take her for granted.

My wife is truly a woman of many endless talents.  Having owned an interior design company, I have always been blessed with a beautifully decorated home.  Here is just one of hundreds of projects she has created.  Taking a large wooden spool that held wire, she made a table that holds all our picture albums.

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Stand for freedom...

marriage warrior May 29, 2022

Today we celebrate Memorial Day to honor those that have fallen defending the freedom we have. My father, pictured here, served in WWII as part of the greatest generation that fought against tyranny and won.

Ronald Reagan stated, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." There have been and will always be those who want to take freedom from us. Stand with those who have given their lives for us and don't allow our freedom to be taken from us. Let your voice be heard in the marketplace, in the political spectrum, and at the ballot box.

As you remember those who gave their lives for the greatest nation in the history of the world, discuss as a family how you can take action to defend the freedom we have and never let it be taken from us.

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