Thinking of you...

marriage warrior Aug 20, 2023

Drop by a home decor store like Hobby Lobby or Cracker Barrel. Find a saying that reminds you of your wife.  Take a picture and text it to her, letting her know she is on your mind.

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The family that prays together...

marriage warrior Aug 13, 2023

The family that prays together, stays together. God's desire is to be the center of our marriage and family. When everything is going well, we should praise Him. When things are tough, we should run to Him. When we need direction, we should seek Him.

Take time this week to pray with your wife each day for your marriage and children. The more time we spend together in prayer, the stronger our relationship will grow with each other and with God.

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The way to a woman's heart...

marriage warrior Aug 06, 2023

The kitchen is the center of many of the family's activities. Ask your wife if there are any changes she would like to make to the kitchen. Maybe she needs a new small appliance, some organization, cleaning, or even a small remodeling project.

We just moved and have spent a lot of time organizing the kitchen and pantry. Take time this week to start on improving the kitchen and show your wife that you value her and want to help make her life better.

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash

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Share the beauty around you...

marriage warrior Jul 23, 2023

Take time this week to stop and enjoy the world around you. Find something beautiful, take a picture and send it to your wife. Let her know how it reminds you of her. For bonus points, repeat several times throughout the week.

Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

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Read aloud...

marriage warrior Jul 16, 2023

Spending time together as a whole family is important to build unity and bonding. One easy way is to set aside nights to read together. Reading aloud a classic family book is an old school way to help get everyone on the same page. Discussing the story line and lessons that can apply to real life are great ways to instill character. 

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

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I hear romance in the air...

marriage warrior Jun 25, 2023

If you and your wife have "A Song", find it, CD, MP3, or YouTube. If not, look for a favorite love song. Send it in an email with a note letting her know something you love about her.

Photo by Adrian Korte on Unsplash

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A Better Dad...

marriage warrior Jun 18, 2023

As we celebrate fathers across our nation, take time to evaluate yourself. If you have children, what areas do you need to work on? 

  • Are you giving your children your most valuable asset? T-I-M-E
  • Are you leading them to the Heavenly Father?
  • What type of example are you setting?

Find 2-3 things you need to improve on as a father and focus on them for the next 21 days. 

Happy Father's Day!!

Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

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Summer fun...

marriage warrior Jun 04, 2023

The kids are out of school and summer is in full swing.  Review all your plans: vacation, summer camps, Vacation Bible School, adventures.... discuss what you want to do and make any final decisions for this to be a summer to remember.

Memories are the one thing that will last a lifetime, don't miss the opportunity to make the most of this summer.

Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

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Cleanliness is next to...

marriage warrior May 28, 2023

If your wife takes care of the laundry, time this week to help out or even take over. If you don't have much experience, you may want some assistance in sorting, what cycle to wash on, and what items need to be air dried. Don't forget to fold and put it all away after you are done.

If you do the laundry, take over something else she normally does to give her a break.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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Strolling down the streetā€¦

marriage warrior May 21, 2023

Take your bride by the hand and stroll down the street.  Spend time talking and enjoying each other's company.  Discuss some things you would like to do this summer together.

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

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